Endorsed by:

“Vitek has been successful in her first term as mayor and in our view, she deserves another.

"I am honored to be your mayor, and I am inspired everyday by our impassioned residents, staff and collaborative businesses who, together, make St. Charles the 'Pride of the Fox.’”

- Mayor Lora Vitek


First Term Accomplishments

Community Engagement

Open communication has always been a top priority for me. As Mayor, I ensure open dialogue is not only welcome, but encouraged at our commission and council meetings where residents and business owners engage with community leaders.

The success of our St. Charles Strategic Plan, The Dam Task Force, The Pedestrian and Bike Plan all depend on community input - I value our residents’ continued input as vital stakeholders for the future of our beautiful city.

I have conducted 20+ visits to our industrial business partners. We have a robust, but often overlooked area of industry and manufacturing that bring jobs to St. Charles. I am committed to seeing this development continue to thrive.

I have attended hundreds of community events, from new business ribbon-cuttings and scout gatherings to speaking with our Veterans and engaging with our next generation of leaders at East & North High Schools. Our community is vibrant, and I have loved meeting and getting to know so many of you.

Resource Management

Financial health is essential to community success. Under my administration, strict attention has been paid to the fiscal well-being of St. Charles. As mayor I:

My administration reduced the City's total outstanding general obligation debt from $109 million to $88 million, a decrease of 19%

Maintained the City's Aa1 bond rating

Hired city staff positions for Director of Finance and developed and hired a new Director of Economic Development. Appointed a new Fire Chief.

The 2024 $7.5 million street infrastructure program is one of the largest ever in St. Charles in a single year.

Utilize diverse sources of funding to advance community and infrastructure projects including the use of philanthropic dollars and leveraging state and federal grants

Focused on reducing debt obligations and balancing the budget while also providing the level of services St. Charles residents expect.


Balanced and sustainable development for the City of St. Charles.

Industrial, commercial, and residential developments have all grown during my administration. We have and will continue to focus attention on major development sites while continuing to infill new and existing vacancies.

Current downtown occupancy rate is sitting at 95.7% We have fewer empty storefronts than we did four years ago.

Our industrial business occupancy rate is at 97%. This is an often overlooked sector, however I have made it a priority because our industrial complex brings new jobs and new residents to St. Charles.

While development is important, the impact on community must always be considered. That’s why I’ve prioritized creating public space alongside development to encourage community gathering – as evidenced with First Street redevelopment and Plaza.

 I worked with key business leaders and corporations, and our City Staff, to identify and secure St. Charles as their next home:

  • Whole Foods opening downtown St. Charles Spring 2025

  • Springs Residential on the East Side, adjacent to old Mall property

  • Taco Mucho restaurant as part of the Fox Haven development adjacent to old Mall property

  • Kia Motors as part of the Eastern Gateway to St. Charles

  • Chick-Fil-A redevelopment in an old building across from Mall property

Second Term Priorities

Fox Haven Square - execute the development agreement that was signed during my term and bring forward the completion of this East Side project. This project, along with a Chipotle relocation to the Charlestowne Mall property, will also help bolster new interest in the mall, where existing businesses are thriving but additional development is desired.

Continue to upgrade City technology and advocate for a new and improved economic development site, continued resident bill paying tools innovations and update newsletters to make access to City services and information more user-friendly.

Execute priorities in the City’s first Pedestrian Bike Plan, budget for improved crosswalks in dense areas, sign improvements and bike path connectivity.

Safe Community - ensure our Police and Fire departments have necessary resources to continue to make St. Charles one of the safest for residents and businesses.

Continue to call for increased transparency of important discussions through community engagement in public meetings, evidenced by IMEA contract discussions, the Fox River Dam Task Force and the parking study open house initiative.

The Old Pheasant Run Resort is being revitalized as our city's East Gateway entrance and is nearly two-thirds complete. The Council and I are excited to bring this project to completion in my next term.

I, with the approval of the City Council, have instructed staff to conduct site assessments and a feasibility study of the old Police Department to identify any concerns development will need to accommodate. In the end, it is most important that whatever development occurs, it enhances the unique character of St. Charles while also bringing value to our community.

Watch Mayor Vitek discuss the key issues facing St. Charles and share her vision for the future. Watch the full debate to learn why she’s the right choice for our community!

Mayor Lora Vitek joined Justa Coupla Guys podcast and discusses the upcoming election happening in the City of St. Charles, Illinois and topics on voters minds with Co-Host Pat Crimmins!